A review by taschima
Spider-Man/Deadpool #7 by Dan Panosian, Gerry Duggan, Scott Koblish


So, being a first time comic book reader, I did not know they released old comics while waiting for the new stuff to come out. Lesson learned. I actually enjoyed this comic much more than the last one (where they went to Hollywood, ugh). I also find it very interesting that this IS the first issue in which Spider Man meets Deadpool, and that it was never released! Something about it being too political.

It is hilarious to see how Parker is drawn in this comic. He looks so cookie cutter and normal. While Deadpool is true to character, minus his new found crush for Spider Man. In this issue a very well liked political candidate (who is portrayed as being a good person) is being set up by the rich masses who want to take him down, lucky for him Spider-Man is on the job! Unlucky for him, so is Deadpool, and he is on the side of the dollars.

The ending is very sad, but very truthful. The obvious bad guy (the portrayed villain) is beaten, but the true evil reigns supreme. Spider Man can't deal, shouting his famous line "With Great Power Comes Great..." until Deadpool stops him and says "With Great Wealth Comes Great Power". Which is the whole political system in a nutshell. It is a very depressing look at the state of things, and funny how this comic was released in the 60s but it is as truthful then as it is now.

As good as this was though, I can't wait for the next comic to hit the stands. Let's get back to the main story line already!