A review by rachachisaur
To Shape a Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose

Did not finish book. Stopped at 32%.
Oh my god I have never been so bored with a book in my entire life. If I wanted to relearn high school science in excruciating detail but with all the names of things changed, I would possibly have been able to keep reading. I don’t know how this got past multiple people to publishing, but chapters of straight up science lectures don’t make for good fantasy writing. 

So far the book has been almost all tell through dry dialogue and almost no show. I love dragons and steampunk fantasy settings but I absolutely cannot listen to any more high school classroom teaching. The first third of the book has been little but comparisons about how different the cultures are and the re-explaining of common things under the guise of new fantasy names. I genuinely tried to stick it out.