A review by ginnikin
Teen Idol by Meg Cabot


It was fine. There were some things I really liked and some that I was less fussed on. I really liked that Luke was a genuinely good guy who saw Jenny's value and strengths where no one else did. I liked that empathy was super important to him, as that's not the portrayal of child stars and/or movie stars that you usually get. I didn't care for the way Jenny made Kara over. It was just substituting one outside personality for another. Sure, that one suited her better, but it was pretty bossy rather than encouraging. I thought the thing with Luke and Geri was pretty unnecessary. Why not just let Jenny figure out what's going on with herself and get Luke dealing with his heartbreak (and tattoo) at the end of the story? Oh well.

Dear Annie,

I really like him, and he says he really likes me, but he still has the name of his last girlfriend (who dumped him cruelly six months ago) on his bicep. What should I do?

The New Girl

Dear New Girl,

Tell him two's company, and three's a crowd. If he wants to get with you, he's gotta get with tattoo removal first.
