A review by readwithrhys
The Last Girl on Earth by Alexandra Blogier


Okay so this book I read pretty fast. Li and Zo I thought were the most developed characters in the book. Ryn sort of was, as well as Mir, but not as much. I enjoyed the book but I want more. I want to know how the other humans live on the planet, away from others, hiding to make sure they do not get caught. I want to see how they react to Li coming with one of them, Ryn.

Other then the plot, the world needed more development and more explanations. It was cool, but I don't remember much from the world building that happened. Sci-fi romance books aren't my thing but this one was pretty cool.

I don't understand how the Kala works, like yes it's a drug, but what does it really do. I got confused.

With Braxon, I knew from the beginning something was wrong with him. I guessed out his entire development. I thought it was pretty obvious what he was going to do when Li became an Officer and he didn't.

The book was good for me, and I gave it 4 out of 5 stars because I did really like the characters. If they were bad for me, it would've been like 2 and a half.