A review by thekohanacritique
The Vegetarian by Han Kang


This is probably the most mind blowing, strange, the most vivid book I'm ever read or shall ever read again, in my life. It's going to be real hard to write a review about this book...

The Vegetarian by Han Kang which has been spectacularly translated from the Korean by Deborah Smith is a book of one of it's won kind. The story has been said is the most distinct way possible, saying what needs to be said and not adding unnecessary excess. The story has been said so fantastically in the three acts that after I finished reading it (just now), I felt complete...leaving behind the last scenery carved in my brain. The entire book played out like a movie in my head from the three character's perspective.
My feelings about this book is completely entangled and I felt a pain rising and it remained even after I finished the book. I cannot exactly frame it all in words and I don't wan to be very vague so I'm guessing this book has the power to make each reader feel a different emotion, when it's read. The concept of The Vegetarian is so unique and surreal that it felt that it can happen in reality; it has happened in reality. (The characters felt that real). It's probably just me, but hey, that's how I felt.
Life is so weird, so strange, so difficult, so imperfect and yet so beautiful! Humans are the most mesmerizing creatures in the world and Fate, Destiny - whatever you want to call it - plays the most vital role....even if we do want to rewind our past to make a better present, what was supposed to happen shall happen, regardless of how or how you shall then plan to play it all out. I think that this is also a part of this story.

Regardless, this book deserves a re-read and probably one of my most prized books from now on. Loved everything! Just hands down, the best book I've read so far in 2016. I actually want to read the original version once I'm confident in Korean.