A review by lizeylu
The Striker by Ana Huang


I was really torn about this book. I loved the concept of chronic pain representation as I too deal with that, but it just completely flopped for me. I wrote some notes as I was reading it which I will just copy and paste as I can’t be bothered to change it to past tense lol:

I’m really struggling with this book because yes I love chronic illness/pain rep but just because it’s in there doesn’t mean it’s done well. 

Maybe her chronic pain isn’t as persistent as mine (after reading the entire book we find out that she does in fact suffer from DAILY chronic pain which I felt was so unrepresented as I mention in the next sentences) so I get I’m being hyper critical but if she is in chronic pain, it literally rules your life. Every single little thing is impacted by the pain and so I would have just loved a little more description about her thoughts, the sensations even when it’s not when she is directly being active. Like I get that it would flare if she is being active but what about not as active things like the short walk to the tube? What about the actual feelings, is it in her hip? Her knees? Everywhere? What does that feel like? Throughout the whole book I was almost still confused where her actual pain was and how exactly it impacted her. How does it feel emotionally as she is trying to mask the pain? It just feels like this is so one level/so surface level. There is so much depth lacking so far. (Writing this 20% through) (after finishing the book there were a couple more sentences that I felt did a better job at this but it was only when she “flared” which partially makes sense but also like again, if it is DAILY then actually show that. Don’t just say it 75% into the book as if we knew she was in daily chronic pain for the first 3/4 of the book) 

BE SO FOR REAL. you haven’t once cried about the accident or being forced out of your dream career or being LITERALLY IN PAIN?? (I don’t have the direct quote but she basically says something along the lines of she hasn’t cried about her pain since her accident) That is sooooooooo unrealistic. There is zero way that after being in pain for FIVE YEARS she hasn’t cried about it once. Yes I get that everyone reacts different but like be so for real. (After reading she does shed a few tears eventually (more about emotional hurt though) but like that is such a dangerous concept for people who actually suffer from chronic pain. Like we should feel like we can have these emotions and feelings and express them because it’s absolutely devastating to be chronically ill, yet this character for the first five years of their chronic pain hadn’t ever shed a tear over it???)

“I searched up chronic pain” ew dude. I get the whole they searched up your issue and show that they care about you but wtf did you find out when you “searched up chronic pain”. Like I get it, when someone searches up my specific chronic illness I’m like slay you care about me. But chronic pain is sooooo vague and generic. There is no way search results come up and say “high impact sports makes it worse”. Like be so for real. Yes, it totally can make it worse! But for what specific chronic pain issue? Scarlett had BARELY spoken about what her pain is or her mobility issues or what flares it up and he just “searched it up”. Also he just “forgot” it could impact her until afterwards. That’s so yucky because 1. She is in control of how much she is going to push herself so it’s on her to make those boundaries 2. You don’t get credit for thinking about it AFTER the fact. Eugh. Like again, if someone does specific research or even better ASKS ME what flares things up or makes things worse then sure you can say the things that Asher said but like she shared NOTHING about her chronic pain and just the basic google search he is a professional on that subject?? Nuh uh bro. 

“Her physical limitations weren’t her biggest obstacles; her fears were.” Wtf?? Actually slamming my head on a wall rn. You have barely asked her about her chronic pain and now you feel like you can decide what her physical limitations are? She literally just said she has hip mobility problems, that’s not a fear issue. I don’t deny she can have fears with it too but you CANNOT say that. People with chronic pain and illness get told ALL THE TIME that it’s in their head and this is basically just that in other words. So uncool, very ableist. YUCK. 

“You’re not broken” sure but she LITERALLY CANNOT DO WHAT SHE USED TO BE ABLE TO DO. She physically is different so his argument is stupid. 

This dude is talking as if he knows everything about her chronic pain and capacity. If she had a conversation to him about it / if he has literally seen her dance and physical abilities or something then sure I would understand it more but like they have met up five times and now he gets to decide she is more capable than she knows? This is a very fine line he is walking and I’m not enjoying how it is written at all. I get what he is trying to say but as someone who struggles with mobility it is super offensive.

Another issue is the whole flare / hospital visit. Yes that can totally happen but actually what is more realistic is if she gets turned away because a lot of the time chronically ill people dont actually get help at hospitals/get told they are just looking for drugs etc. OR! They dont go to the hospital at all because reality check, this is what they deal with all the time so you just have to wait for it to pass.  I will say though, this isn’t a part I have a huge problem with, I’m just nitpicking. If you need to go to the hospital, regardless of whether you have chronic pain or not, you should go and they should help you. It’s just not realistic in this book is all. 

Another thing is I felt like it was so unrealistic that she had this accident, is in chronic pain and says she has mobility / hip issues and still gets the main role in the show? I felt like it would be way more realistic if she got a minor role that was less pressure for her to exert more capacity than she has and still was proud of herself. Like giving her the main role doesn’t feel like she actually is differently abled. Like you can just push through your disability. Maybe I’m being too critical again but it still feels like it’s not realistic. 

It almost felt like it was a box for inclusivity that the author wanted checked. All of these reviews are raving about how there is chronic pain rep and giving the author credit for it. And again, I LOVE being represented in book when it’s done well. But this is done badly and I actually don’t feel represented. 

This is just the problems I had with the chronic pain representation, I have more notes on the actual story but I’ve already written so much that it seems unimportant now. 

Overall, I feel that if you are going to write a character with a chronic illness or chronic pain then you need to do it right. I felt misrepresented as someone with chronic pain. 

Side note, I did try to check online, on social media, in the authors notes and acknowledgements about the authors own experience with chronic pain and I found none apart from a thank you to three people in the acknowledgements for “chronic pain representation”. I am glad that she referred to people I assume have chronic pain but it almost feels a little hurtful that as someone who doesn’t have a chronic pain issue writes a book about a character that does and in my opinion didn’t represented this community well. I will though leave space to acknowledge that maybe the author does have chronic pain issues and just hasn’t publicly spoken about it. I just felt it wasn’t a great representation in general at all.