A review by lalabristow
Deadtown by Nancy Holzner


Ever since i first heard about this new book, I knew I had to get it! The blurb really caught my attention, specially knowing that the heroine is a shifter. I so have a thing for shifters hehe

Vicky is a very interesting character. She is part of a very small minority even inside the minority of supernaturals that exist and she is very good at she does. However, even though I liked her from the start, she got on my nerves so many times. For a while she is so selfish and only concerned on what's in it for her and how can she make money out of the situation that I just wanted to join Kane (her werewolf sort of boyfriend) in yelling at her sometimes. She does come around for me and sees that things are bigger and more important than what she wants and by then I really got like her more and more.

I really enjoyed the set-up for Deadtown and the plot was really interesting and kept me on the edge throughout the whole book.

Vicky lives in Deadtown, a cordoned off area near Boston where all supernatural creatures have to live. A few years before a virus killed the people of the area and three days later they all raised as zombies. The virus mutated and became insignificant, but the damage was done. With the rise of the zombies, all supernaturals like Vamps, Werewolves, etc... Had to come out of hiding and deal with living out in the open.

One of the most interesting parts in this novel was the civil rights discussion throughout the whole book. Supernaturals have almost no right whatsoever and its even worse outside the state where Deadtown is located. A kid with supernatural blood is treated as an animal and its disgusting to see human nature at its worse.

The book has a lot of action and it's a great read. Nancy Holzner has an amazing debut in her hands and I am glad to know there will be more. I just can't wait.