A review by krystalllllllllllll
Complete Short Fiction by Oscar Wilde


(3.5 stars) after the almost ten months that have passed since i began reading this collection i think i finally need to mark it as one that i won’t finish.

it’s definitely a personal issue that i couldn’t, my attention span is terrible and i can’t focus on one thing for too long, and this collection is VERY much the same thing over and over again. but that thing is great!!! these stories are fantastic. beautiful and pure and self-indulgent and magical and lovely. “the happy prince” made me literally put down the book for a minute after reading because it was so wonderful and i needed time to recover. the stories that i did read were so much fun, the fact that i didn’t finish it is absolutely not a testament to the writing itself but simply the volume of stories and the time each one took to read.

i loved the way wilde didn’t choose humans to be the focal point of most of the stories, instead writing about nature and animals, creating these adorable characters and storylines with the purest voice ever.

oscar wilde is just so wonderful, i don’t think it’s possible for me to dislike anything he writes. the intertextuality between this collection and his other work was fascinating, being able to see the particular morals and ideas that remain consistent across them really speak volumes about wilde’s character and opinions himself.

i wish i could have finished the entire thing, but short stories are already sort of “not my thing” and a 320 page book of short stories with almost identical themes and an extremely flowery writing style is just not for me. if you’re a casual reader who would be able to read one short story at a time, slowly, whenever you felt the urge, then you’d probably love working your way through this collection. god i wish that were me.