A review by bluebeereads
Love and Other Foreign Words by Erin McCahan


Quite The Novel Idea ~ Words from the Clouds

Well, this was a nice surprise! Why aren't more people talking about this book?? I would've read it much sooner, which means I would've been able to gush about it sooner too. Honestly, you're all letting me down. Let me pause this review to shake my head in disappointed and tut at all of you. Because Love & Other Foreign Words is absolutely adorable and sweet and heartfelt and funny and you should read it. Let me tell you why in more detail so you really get the message, okay? Okay.

It has nice writing that's easy to read and will keep you hooked the whole time. Yes, this is in the writing-style that I so adore that seems easy to write but actually is not at all. It's very realistic with great dialogue and gives you feels. What more do you want, honestly?

It's FUNNY. Yes, it is! I love funny books! And this one was very funny to me. Josie's voice and her humor were SO my style and I loved it and I laughed and I love it when a book can make me laugh like this.

The family dynamics in this book are golden. There's sister-love and awesome parents and I love it. I love awesome parents in YA! Josie's dad was the best and I loved him. I also loved her sisters and all their bonds and just YASSSS. Give me all the family love.

All the characters! So much love for them. I loved Stu and Sophie and Jen and Stefan and even Geoff grew on me after a while. All the side-characters were great, honestly. I loved their friendship with Josie and each other and while Geoff annoyed me at first, he grew on me too as I got to know him.

Josie is a fantastic main character. She's just so amazing really. I adore her. She's supersmart, which makes her a bit different from other people and she thinks differently. But she's also very funny and sweet and kind of quirky and I related to her in a lot of ways. I really felt for her and rooted for her all the way.

I love how it accurately portrays someone that's above average intelligence. Because life is different for them. They think differently and sometimes they can come across as autistic to some people and I love how this book handled all of that stuff.

♦ I also loved that this book didn't have the straight-forward romance between two people while also not going all love-triangle on us. It's hard to explain but ultimately the romance was very well done and it was very cute and I ship it a lot.

Yes, you should check this book out. It's funny, heartfelt, cute, very focused on family and friendship, but also on growing up and all that stuff. You know, like a lot of books. But this one does it in a very very nice way. If you are a YA Contemporary fan, you should absolutely read it. Please and thank you.