A review by venustas37
The Science of Happily Ever After: What Really Matters in the Quest for Enduring Love by Ty Tashiro


I was the recipient of this book through a Goodreads First Reads giveaway. Thank you!

This is a book I probably never would have selected on my own. Why? I like stories. I like characters. I like escape. This book reads like a textbook or thesis and, as a Law student, I get plenty of that in my day-to-day life and I don't want to carry that into my recreational reading time. (That being said, my favourite parts of this book were the stories Tashiro incorporated of couples he knew or worked with.) Nevertheless, I am very grateful to have received this fascinating and charming book.

Admittedly, there were moments when I found it difficult to maintain my focus and interest as Tashiro continued spewing empirical facts and statistics, and he does have a slight tendency to ramble. However, do not let this deter you from giving this book a chance.

Love is something every single human being on this planet has in common, regardless of whether you have it, lost it, or are still searching for it. Love manifests in a number of ways, and this book sheds light on the 'why?'s of relationships. Us mere mortals are generally not capable of comprehending why we do the things we do in our conquests to find and keep love, but Tashiro effortlessly provides us with those obliviously obvious answers.

This is probably the sole book that I will recommend to everyone- at least to my single friends. To those that are happily coupled, this book might, at times, induce some eye rolls, scoffs, or perhaps serious counselling. For singles, this book compels you to seriously contemplate your past relationship train wrecks, and how to attain that strong, fulfilling, durable love- if you can be so lucky. Give this book a chance. Even if you don't totally buy what Tashiro's selling, it will, at best, provide you with that great conversational material for your next date with your girlfriends.