A review by maxstark
Broken Shells by Michael Patrick Hicks


There is no easy way to review this book. But from the start I can tell you that if you like Aliens, this is definitively the right novel for you. It has a great sense of desperation and despair. You want to devour the pages to know what happens to the main character, and the best of all, you care and root for him. I couldn’t stop comparing Antoine DeWitt (the main character) with Dante from THE DIVINE COMEDY. I think there are lots of similarities between these two stories, and I think that made me enjoy the story even more and be shocked with the ending.
You really should go in to BROKEN SHELLS without knowing absolutely nothing about the story. And that’s why I really haven’t said anything about the plot. There is already a synopsis written in the back of the book that doesn’t tell you that much either so why the hell should I ruin it. But when I posted on Twitter that I had finished reading this novella, my friend Zen Ghost Bookworm (@ZenBookworm) came up with the must accurate description for this book that I can imagine:

Cool, a new car!
Oh, wait. Hey!!!

This really sums the whole plot very well. And really the only thing I could say is that if you like horror, gore, heart breaking and action packed stories with a hint of those beautiful WTF moments... What the hell are you doing still reading this review? Go get your copy RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!