A review by moonbites
Meet Cute by Helena Hunting


There were parts that were cute in this, but overall it was kind of...

I find that I don't particularly like stories about famous people. Famous side characters are O.K. but having a famous MC gets old quick. When the love interest is a fan of said famous person or not a fan, it doesn't matter too much. I just find the incessant, "Can I have your autograph?", "Oh my god you are so and so," very annoying. Everyone seems to be fawning over this celebrity and it gets to be a bit much. The love interest also fawns over him for being her favorite character, but it's OK when she does it apparently he just gets annoyed when other girls do it.

There were elements of the story that were good. If they took out the part that he was a famous actor in his youth I would have liked this more . Kailyn's job as a lawyer was interesting and so was her dynamic with Dax and Emi. But, the rivalry and hate seemed unfounded and dumb. Dax seemed to change character half way through and I literally forgot he was a lawyer. Also, like a said earlier the fact that Kailyn could so easily be forgiven for her annoying fangirling was ridiculous, I mean come on that ending?

Also, I hated some of the shit Dax would say. He could come off as a real prick. I mean he was border line sexist and then he would say, "Oh I shouldn't think that way." I mean he describes the girls laughing in the backseat as feminine giggles . That's just fucking weird to me. I would have preferred the entire book through Kailyn's POV. Maybe because the writer is a female I feel like there was too much of this need to write a kind of alpha male character?

It had the feeling of [b:The Hating Game|25883848|The Hating Game|Sally Thorne|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1467138679i/25883848._SY75_.jpg|45762345] but I did not like it half as much as I liked Sally Thorne's book.