A review by ablotial
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle


I am ashamed to admit this is the very first Sherlock Holmes book I have ever read. Sure, I knew all about Holmes and Watson and their apartment on Baker Street and even Mrs. Hudson, the landlady. I've read enough -about- them to be fairly well versed. And even watched some TV specials featuring them on public television when I was a child.

And yet, I'd never picked up an actual book. Why not? Firstly, I'd assumed that since they were "old", the language would be also old and stilted and annoying as hell to read. Turns out that was not the case. But secondly, and more importantly, I'd thought there was one mystery per book, novel style, and it would be long and drawn out and written in old-style language with too many boring descriptions.

Boy was I ever wrong!

It turns out that they are short mystery stories, much like the style of the Encyclopedia Brown books I read and loved as a child. This book contains many short mysteries, and it's a lot of fun for me to try to gather up my clues and guess the ending before Sherlock can explain the solution and how he came about it. I was able to do that on three or four of these stories, and had a great time reading them.

I do have some complaints about all the marriage stories in this book - is that all women are good for? But then I remembered that, when this book was written, that was basically the case.

Highly recommended, and I'll be searching out more of them now that I know how they work :)