A review by worldwydewifey
The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic by Breanne Randall


RE-EVALUTED and re rating lower because I’m reading an actual good book now and this sucked in comparison lol.

Honestly, I found the first 30% kind of boring and what I thought to be predictable and there was a point I was like... is this my first DNF? But I'm glad I continued because this book ended up touching on subjects that felt really personal to me in my life right now such as grief, lost love and the complexity of familial relationships. At points, I really felt like I was Sadie reading my life through this book. I love that it was the perfect mix of cute and magical but also evoked very real feelings for me and made this a deeper reading experience.
My issue besides a boring first 1/3 was the few mentions of religion. When writing a book about witchcraft I found it kind of strange to mention things like God and church, but I can acknowledge that for some religion and the practice is a fine example of duality. Glad I read it but idk if I’d recommend.