A review by bookishdaylight
Ms Perfectly Fine by Kate Callaghan



Thank you to NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

This story had a cute premise and an exciting beginning but the pacing was too fast and it all happened within a month. 

There was no build-up to their relationship altogether, it was like they were already a couple with their interaction, with them living together they already made the steps without even doing anything. The forced banter seemed childish to me and they are in their mid-twenties so act like one. It was only three days and they already feel something for each other and for what exactly? it didn't make sense. Their relationship was insta-love and I would love to run from this trope.

The only good backstory here is Autumn, if there was more development on her background then I would have liked it more. I wanted to see her journey and hardships. Sadly, it lacked that and I was quite disappointed. 

Elijah as a character is so cringe and had no personality whatsoever. It also showed that this is a rich people drama. They had to live together because the neighborhood is expensive. Excuse me. while you guys are fine with just throwing money at random purchases and being ok with it. Autumn for me seemed spoiled with that how she interacted with the other characters

Overall, this had the potential to be good but I was just disappointed.