A review by mdaisy
In Bed with the Competition by J.K. Coi


First thing I have to say is about the cover!! WOW that's an incredible sexy looking guy and this was the reason I requested this book on NetGalley.

This book was fun, intense and super frustrating sometimes but I still really liked it!!! Again I have to mention writers I so ruining real guys for me!! Ben was so so sweet! Usually in a book the guy is the one with second thoughts and they always say they don't want a relationship but in this one nop!! Ben was the one that wanted the relationship and he wasn't afraid of the feelings he was having now Beth/Liz this one was so scared that I just wanted to punch her in the face.

Like I said Ben wasn't the usual guy I see in the books though lately I've been seeing that the girls in the books are the ones that always run. Ben was amazing!!! He met Beth so long ago and he wanted to take the next level but it didn't go very well for him and now she finds the girl who broke his heart not good but he still pursued her and wanted to make her happy but she still didn't believe he had changed she still didn't believe he wasn't using her and that broke my heart because it also broke his heart.

Now the female character Beth....There were moments I did like her but most of the time she just made me want to punch her and shake her!! God she just couldn't see how much Ben loved her and even after what they went trough she still doubt him and I just couldn't take it any longer. I loved when she confessed she loved him and he didn't say anything and she left because honestly that what she did the entire book she left him hanging when he would say things that implied he really liked her and she just ignored him and when he confessed his feelings for her she didn't say anything. Another thing that annoyed was that she was always changing her mind. All the damn time. She wanted to just forget about everything and be with him and then no we can't be together. :/

When everything went down because of Beth's brother I was so nervous!!! The scenes after he tells her were pretty intense!

I'm glad it ended well there were some pretty funny moments! I loved Ben's partner it would be pretty cool if there was a book about him *doing puppy eyes at you J.K. Coi*

**ARC kindly provided by Entangled Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**