A review by jennaelf
Ansible 15715 by Stant Litore


The reviews that mention the Lovecraftian flare of this piece are spot-on. This is Weird Fiction without the Pulp aesthetic and it works very well. (I'm a fan of the aesthetic of Pulp era fictions, but love & appreciate when some of the `weirder' parts of its spirit works into more contemporary pieces.)

It is a quick read, and the character's voice is consistent to the characterization. I did not experience any "fridge moments" and the only question I had at any point in the story had everything to do with knowing something that I couldn't know because the character couldn't know it. (Oh, first person stories, our torrid romance continues!)

Per the reviews of other readers, I imagine this story will be fairly unsettling - for me, it was pretty delightful. My tastes already lie firmly in Lovecraftian territory. And my mind often wanders in pretty lonely and isolated modes.