A review by proudlocks
If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo


i was really intrigued by this book, I’m glad I read it, some chapters with tears in my eyes.

It touches on something hardly any books do, and I think it might help young trans people (especially if they are scared, unsure, unsafe). There is hope, who you are is valid, you deserve to live.

The book does an amazing job also touching on the feelings of parents, friends, while also touching on some of the more scary, daunting aspects.

This book has opened my eyes, I knew for trans people (and others ) being who you really are is hard, but I didn’t realise just how hard (and as the author mentions at the end, the book was “mainstreamed” a bit (eg. Started on hormones without a wait, got surgery, was passable as a female) for many the fight is much harder, longer, filled with more pit falls.

To all those who are living as someone else because they can’t be/are too scared to be them true selves. You are braver than you know.