A review by beckyrendon
The Bachelor by Marni Mann


Camden, I volunteer as tribute!

(Announced in a deep and profound male voice...think Sebastian York or Jacob Morgan) Declan Shaw is...The Ultimate Wingman.

Wait, that's probably got everyone confused. (Record scratch noise and rewind the VHS)

Once upon a time, Marni Mann made up the Dalton family. (Fast forwards past the family tree...cousins...yada yada yada...stop)

Anyone who has read this series knows our man Camden is a big old ho. Newbies, you're in for a bad boy falling hard and fast treat. Camden, the male Dalton twin to Hannah, is going down swinging...his anatomy. This stud has bitten off more than he can chew with our V card carrying heroine. That's where Declan comes in and saves the day without even wearing a cape. (Renind me to ask Hannah his cape size later!) With all the proof in his family about how easy it is to fall, young Camden was in that Egyptian river...Denial. (Even I cringed at that one.)

He fights his losing battle and embraces his new dreams with surprising enthusiasm. This makes our Camden prime grade A beefcake stud and the perfect hero. Not to mention his incredible skills and stamina in the bedroom- for decorating! Um, yeah. Decor. Totally about Decor.

Grab a wine, water, or an orgasm. Your choice, or is it!?! May the odds and Camden be ever in your favor!