A review by trish204
Red Notice by Andy McNab


My first book by this author and let me tell you, this was one hell of a ride. I was sceptical at first, I'll admit it. You see, the author was a member of the famous SAS (British special forces for you who don't know) so I knew I'd get accuracy, but that doesn't necessarily mean the man can write. I stand corrected however.

The story is of a terrorist and his crew and several attempts to apprehend them, but it has many more layers. There is political intrigue, cameraderie, action, an intelligent plot, lots of (apparently accurate) military details, blood, some more action, and even humour.
The characters are all very well drawn and not just cardboard cut-outs as is often the case in thrillers. Naturally, I especially liked Delphine (still think it's a horrible name though) for her sassiness and strength (all while being a very realistic character).

While this will never be high literature well-known hundreds of years from now like Shakespeare's plays, it does manage to give the reader some things to think about - such as the hypocrisy of our society (not just in one country), the lies of our politicians (not just in one country either), the special bond people can forge (especially when thrown together in bad circumstances), and the willingness of some truly extraordinary people to sacrifice all for the well-being of others. However, McNab never gets preachy and his book doesn't drown in pathos. He simply states facts and convictions and it is his dry matter-of-fact way whith which he addresses certain aspects here that was really nice. A couple of times I thought I knew what was gonna happen and in some cases I was right, but in others he actually surprised me.

However, if he is reading this (I don't think he will be, but just in case):
SpoilerI'll never forgive you for Gavin! You could have killed one of the other people but nooo, it always has to be a character I'm rooting for. This is a conspiracy of authors against me

So yeah, intelligent and realistic entertainment all around and I can't wait for the next.

Special thanks to my fake-adoptive daddy-dearest, who not only made me look up Andy McNab in the first place, and not only recommended this particular book to me, but was also willing to read the series in a buddy-read with me. *hugs*