A review by howard
The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean


2 for enjoyment, 3 for quality? This really was not for me but I can totally understand how someone with different taste would love this book. This was not what I thought it was going to be genre wise based on the synopsis and cover art. I thought about DNFing a few times (and probably should have but oh well).

I really dislike when we're in a character's head but we don't get their backstory/why they're doing what they're doing so their actions seem to not make sense even though THEY know why they're doing it. I just feel like I'm being lied to in cases like that. Everything was revealed later and yes it makes sense looking back but I still feel like I'm being led on and manipulated by the author in a way I don't like. 

I had a really hard time with the pacing and thought it ground to a standstill for 50 pages right before the end. I also thought the romance was tacked on and completely unnecessary. I didn't really like any of the characters by the end and was just kind of waiting for it to be over :/

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