A review by xanderrabbit
inflorescence by Mecca-Amirah Jackson


DNF at p. 93 of 292

i feel really bad cause this started off really strong. it went downhill fast and it was SO repetitive i just could not get through it.

there were some good poems/lines mixed in , i really liked “tease i”. however, the titles of these poems were so lackluster and honestly it would have been more impactful if they were left off.

some of these poems were straight up not poetry. like:

“ ‘a bad boy can be redeemed’
-a damaging trope”

like, yeah, i agree, that’s important and anyone who knows me knows that i will rant about the problems with that trope for hours. but those lines within themselves are not poetry they are literally just words in a “poetic” format lol

that’s pretty much all i have to say i love the concept and the title and the magical realism vibe and i think with some more practice and editing mecca-amirah jackson will go far.

2.5 i guess