A review by dawncox
The Bible in 90 Days: Cover to Cover in 12 Pages a Day by Anonymous


Took me a deal longer than 90 days.

Positive: Reading the bible through in big chunks helped me to make connections between books. I was able to notice recurring themes and motifs and make connections in stories. You get a bigger picture and it just seems to make more sense.

Negative: All the time I'm reading I'm looking to see when the black next day mark shows through the paper. It became a chore to get through the day.
: The section around kings and chronicles is repetative and hard and I think we wade through it without giving it the right attention.
: Not a negative but a suggestion-this would be good in a chronological format.

A good publication to try to begin a habit of daily reading of larger portions of the bible. In future though I will be using a timer rather than a marked book. This way I'm not going to race to finish the days section or feel it tiring. If a part needs slower reading it will be read slower. At about 30-40 minutes a day you'd still get through the bible every three to three and a half months.

Am glad I bought this and tried it as most importantly it's showed me that I need to read this more as a daily discipline.