A review by dorhastings
Gone Girl - Das perfekte Opfer by Gillian Flynn


I think this quotation from Tanner sums it up: "I don't even want to ask," he said. "You two are the most fucked-up people I have ever met, and I specialize in fucked-up people."

This book isn't really my genre: both of my parents read it. My father hated it, because he likes straight-up thrillers. My mother thought it was strange, but she overall liked it. I think I probably liked it for similar reasons. It was incredibly suspenseful. And because it's a book, I totally cheated and flipped ahead some, so I knew certain things before I'd even gotten to Part 2. That said, there were still plenty of twists and turns that I didn't see coming.
SpoilerThat and how truly messed up Amy is.
I thought Flynn did a great job complicating matters, focusing heavily on the family life of both main characters and how those things affected the characters. The book ends on a less than fantastic note, but I liked the little twist at the end. I never much liked Nick, but I couldn't help rooting for him a little at the end.

Unfortunately, it took me so long to get through this book because I had so little time. But the end was a big rush.