A review by laurenjodi
Beyond Seduction by Stephanie Laurens


Beyond Seduction
3 Stars

Gervase Tregarth, Earl of Crowhurst, returns to his family estate in Cornwall and is manipulated by his younger sisters into pledging to marry the first suitable woman to cross his path. Ironically, that woman just happens to be his neighbor, Madeline Gascoigne. Determined to convince himself that Madeline and he are incompatible, Gervase decides to lure her into his bed only to discover that the headstrong and independent Madeline is his perfect match. Now all he has to do is convince her of that fact.

Unfortunately, this is one of the weaker installments in the series mainly due to the fact that Madeline and Gervase's romance lacks the chemistry that characterizes all of the other couples in the series and their sex scenes are more mechanical than sensual.

The suspense plot, however, is very compelling as more information is revealed about the mysterious traitor mentioned in book #4. There is also a wonderful sense of community when events take a dangerous turn and several of the Bastion Club members as well as the locals join forces to aid Madeline and Gervase.

In sum, a satisfying read overall and I look forward to the villain getting his much-deserved comeuppance although that probably won't be until the last book.