A review by thatbooknerd__
A Chance for Us, by Corinne Michaels



I’ve only read 2 of the Willow Creek Valley books but this one was by far my favourite. I don’t know what it is about a fake relationship/marriage just makes me love the story that much more.
This couple together were amazing and you could feel the chemistry from the very first time being together again.
Oliver is such a good guy, sweet, caring but protective of his heart because of past heartache.
Maren was interesting and she was exactly what Oliver needed in his life. They complimented each other.
The storyline had me just wanting to put real life to the side so I could sit and read all day. There’s a plot twist that we don’t see coming.
There were parts of this book that had me crying from the heartbreaking scenes.
Corinne Michaels sure does know how to make us feel all the feelings.
I think I need to go back now and read the other books in the series.