A review by servemethesky
Queer: The Ultimate LGBT Guide for Teens by Kathy Belge


I picked up this book because it’s currently being challenged in my local library system. While I think it should certainly remain in the library, I didn’t find it to be the *best* or most comprehensive/inclusive/up to date resource out there on queer stuff.

I was frustrated by their definition of bisexuality (attracted to men and women—nope. It’s attracted to your same gender and other genders). I also felt they oversimplified asexuality and flattened that experience to the point where the information was inaccurate/useless. Lastly, the trans stuff was quite skimpy and inadequate.

Also worth noting that the tone tries to seem young and hip, but it comes across as cringey and out of touch. When I flipped to the author photos/bios at the end, part of my brain went “yup, that checks out” LOL.

All that being said! I think this could still be a useful book for its target audience: teens early in their queer identity/self discovery journey. It has helpful sections on coming out, dating, what constitutes a healthy relationship, navigating sex, STIs, and more. I think the safe sex section is what makes conservatives want to ban it