A review by soph_reads_too_much
Broken Throne by Victoria Aveyard


This collection of short stories adding onto the end of the series was good. I did find the first two stories a bit boring in the beginning of each story, just because I was so anxious to see what would happen to Mare and Cal and the characters from the original series that I found it difficult to focus on these other stories. However, each time, while i found it a bit slow in the beginning, by the end I enjoyed them thoroughly.

The last 3 stories in this collection were by far my favourite as they were from characters from the original story and so I was easily able to slip back into their minds and their worlds. I loved being able to come back to them and see what its like after all the chaos because I often find we never see how they deal after they’ve gone through hell.

It was a good read and I like how nicely it wrapped up the series as a whole.