A review by notanotherapp
Seeing Double by Karen Runge


WARNING my reviews are rubbish.

This book is a shock to the system. One particular scene in chapter 22 almost made me lose my over-priced Italian lunch. Karen Runge has the ability to take seemingly mundane characters to extremely dark places.

Ada one of the lead characters (sometimes narrator) has a talent for apathy and (self) hatred that resonates with me. Through Ada, Karen Runge expresses emotions which I have always felt but had seldom encountered in others.
"What a banal thing to say. What a pointless, meaningless platitude thrown out to fill the silence".
"It was choking me, this helpless fury. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. Needing a release I couldn't name."

The novel moves at a quick pace, the characters are dark and interesting, the final stretch of the novel is magnificent in the darkest way possible.