A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
A Princess of Wind and Wave: A Retelling of The Little Mermaid by Melanie Cellier


I remember when I started this series that it felt like finally finding that one thing I was so looking for. It felt like coming home, like being held and embraced and loved. However, along the way there were stories I liked more and stories I liked a little less and the previous one was one that really had to grow on me while reading. I therefore hesitated to start this one, but I can already say that I shouldn't have done that.

Because this story reminded me again why I loved this series so much to begin with! This book was everything I remember the books in this series to be. I don't know why it didn't work out that well between me and the previous book, but with this one it clicked from the very first page. I didn't need time to get back into the world. I was completely sucked in and the book refused to let me go until I had finished it completely in one sitting.

One of the magical parts of this book was the Underwater Kingdom. I loved how Cellier really took her time to describe the world, the politics, the fears and the setting. It really felt like the world came to life. It was vivid and real. I don't know why, but this book felt very political, compared to other books, in general. There was so much plotting and planning and scheming going on and I really happen to love that. I also liked how every part of the story tied in so nicely in the end.

On top of that I also really loved the characters and their journey. Of course, a big part of the journey is predictable, since we are reading a retelling, and yet there were some nice surprises along the way. Both characters were however very easy to like and to identify with. They also were similar in enough ways to understand their instant click, but different enough to be interesting as a couple. And I'm very glad that Teddy did surprise me AND Isla in the end. It felt like an amazing fix it of the Disney Tale.

I'm already really looking forward to the new series!