A review by serena_dawn
Chasing The Falconers, by Gordon Korman


I have read Gordon's work before ([b:Shipwreck|1025223|Shipwreck (Island, #1)|Gordon Korman|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1360057717s/1025223.jpg|24981] & [b:The Contest|24073|The Contest (Everest, #1)|Gordon Korman|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1328868302s/24073.jpg|24990] series) and enjoyed it. It's refreshing to see books set where teens survive on their own without adults and turn out okay without rules being enforced - although there are always reactions to every action.

I liked the brother -sister duo, they are very clearly victoms cast as villains to the rest of the world. There is this mind set people have where if a family member (mother, father, brother, sister, cousin) does something hateful to society the whole family is veiwed as stained by it. They all become 'bad blood ' yet that's wrong and a difficult subject to tackle too. Gordon I think can pull it off, but he plants the suggestion from page one that the kids are out to prove their parents are innocent - but there is a undercurrent of maybe they aren't ...

To do the right thing the siblings do commit crimes - but only to survive and keep going. It's all a question of if the ends will justify the means and where the line of good and bad really is when it comes to blood. Hefty stuff for "kid " books but that's Gordon - he makes you think.