A review by mel_reviews_in_a_pinch
How to Lose a Bachelor by Anna Banks


Actual rating is 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Full Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from Netgalley, as part of the Tasty Book Tours blog tour, in exchange for an honest review.

My Thoughts: How to Lose a Bachelor definitely fed into my recent obsession with all thing contemporary. I don’t know if it’s a phase or if I’m just now discovering a new favorite genre, but I’m okay with riding this particular wave.

How to Lose a Bachelor kind of reminded me of Playing Games because of the reality show aspect. It was a very quick, fun read (it only took me a few hours to read). It had quite a few moments that weren’t believable, but that was actually some of the fun of reading it, for me at least. I don’t always like my contemporary romances based in reality.

Rochelle’s antics to get kicked off of the show left me with a range of emotions. Sometimes I found her to be hilarious, other moments had me cringing and wondering what the heck she was thinking. I highly doubt any real self-respecting attorney would get drunk on national TV. I’m pretty sure that puts you on the short track to getting fired.

It took awhile for me to warm up to Grant. For the first few chapters, I thought he was pretty boring. Then he made a few comments (in his head) about some of the other contestants and I was thinking he was a jerk/pig. I ended up liking him, but not for any specific reason. He just kind of grows on you.

Grant and Rochelle start How to Lose a Bachelor on the hate side of that fine line between love and hate. They both have what they consider to be good reasons for feeling that way. I may have rolled my eyes. It kills me when the biggest problem standing in a couple’s way is communication. I realize this is a legitimate real life problem too, but the entirety of Rochelle and Grant’s mutual heartbreak could’ve been avoided if they’d both been honest. I realize that’s easier to say than to do, but supposedly you’re grownups.

I did enjoy reading How to Lose a Bachelor. It was the perfect contemporary romance, but it has it’s funny moments. Even though I had my criticisms, I would definitely recommend How to Lose a Bachelor to anyone looking for a humorous contemporary romance.

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