A review by paperbackprincess19
Grishma by Kelly Anne Blount


This review was originally posted on Paperback Princess to view in it's entirety please click here.

Grishma is a great debut fairytale-esque, adventure, YA fantasy novel by Kelly Anne Blount. I thoroughly enjoyed the journey that this book takes the readers on, it's well-paced and thrilling journey. There were some elements that baffled me and would have liked further explanation on, for example, I didn't understand why Grishma came to our World. However, Blount may just be setting the scene for the following books in the series, and an explanation may come at a later date.

Ryder is a traumatised teen who's main objective in life is to seek revenge for his Father's death and to rescue his Mother and Sister after being kidnapped by the same monster that killed his Father, Grishma. Brooklyn and Ryder's lives collide when Ryder is forced to transport Brooklyn to Necoh, whilst trying to save her from Grishma. What seemed like a saving grace at the time, transporting Brooklyn to Necoh, turned out to be more disastrous for the pair as local residents believe Brooklyn is the missing Princess Sophie, the Princess who's got a reward for her safe return.

Grishma is an amazing action-packed novel that has you glued to the very first page. Grishma is told from alternating views, which is quite hard to write, but Blount did an amazing job, keeping the two views separate with enough personality injected into each that you know who's view it is immediately. The story was well-paced and the entire journey was a thrilling ride with much heart-pumping action and anticipation as you eagerly await for what would happen next. The way the story unfolded was perfectly paced and there was a lot of surprising elements thrown in that the story never got boring.

Ryder was the perfect hero and gentleman there wasn't a part in the book where I got annoyed by him which was quite a feat considering most of the books I read the protagonist always has some fault. He wasn't your perfect protagonist but you can see that he's kind, loving, loyal and all the good stuff that boys are rarely made off LOL (just kidding). Brooklyn, I didn't enjoy her character as much, I felt that she lacked character. I didn't feel like she showed enough emotion to what was happening around her till towards the end. I much enjoyed Alexia and Bressa's characters despite the short time they appeared in the story. I had hoped that the story would end differently with two separate couples but alas it didn't but the story is not over yet so we shall see.

Grishma is an adventurous journey with a fairytale-like storyline. It's readers would be glued to it's pages as they rapidly flip through the pages, highly anticipating what happens to it's characters. It's a well-written, well-plotted story and I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the characters. I did find some things that I would have liked further explained, and I did not understand Grishma the monster, for example why she was a "she" and so forth, but I hope to uncover more of the story in the following books. I'd highly recommend this book to the middle grade to young adult age group who enjoys fantasy, adventure and fairytale stories. A wonderful and well-written debut novel, and I'd definitely be reading other books written by Kelly Anne Blount.

Disclaimer:- This ebook was provided by the Author/Publisher in exchange for an honest review. No other incentives were offered for this review.