A review by angiesix
The Impossible Fortress by Jason Rekulak


I received an ARC of the book from Jellybooks. Other reviewers have summarized the story as well as I could, so I'll start by explaining what drew me to read the book. I love YA novels and turn to them when I want a read that will entertain me, take me back to my own youth, or help me relate to my own teen. I loved Ready Player One, and thought that the setting (1980s) and the characters (nerdy teens who like to game and code) would appeal to me based on that. On those levels it did. While I understand the other reviewers complaints that they didn't like Billy's choices or the lack of change in Billy and Mary after everything is revealed, I didn't find that it took away from the story for me. If anything, I recognize that as more believable. Thinking back on my own exploits as a teenager, it took me years after to see the errors of my ways and feel any kind of shame or growth. As an adult, it's so easy to look at the characters' choices and think of how they would've behaved better. In their young shoes, the choices aren't so black and white. Approval of the pack is just as important (if not more so) than doing the right (hard) thing. I really enjoyed the story and will be recommending it to my blog readers.