A review by pbanditp
Blood Kin by Ronald Kelley, Ronald Kelly


“The child reached for the stake in her fathers heart.
‘No Mary,’ said Elizabeth Craven, gently pushing her hand aside.”
Those opening lines of the prologue are how you start a book. You immediately need to find out what is happening.
Blood Kin affected me more than I thought possible for what I assumed was just another vampire book. I became attached to these characters very quickly and I was cursing out the author when even the hint of a threat occurred and I found myself muttering “you better not, you better not…”
This was one of those books that I didn’t want to end but I couldn’t wait to find out what happens. I was concerned for people, they were real to me. I wanted them to hurry up and do what they needed to before the sun when down and would worry that they weren’t going to have enough time; in other words, I was totally invested.
This reviewer is in a Ronald Kelly phase, I just can’t give enough stars to these books and Blood Kin is no exception. I love the characters, I love the setting, I love the tension, I love the friendship, I love the heartache, but mostly I love the compelling story.