A review by lowbrowreaderofzerof_cks
Don't Look Back by Amanda Quick


Full of banter and bickering between Lavinia and Tobias. Lavinia has softened a bit but not overly much, still her cranky, headstrong, prickly self. And Tobias is like one of these cats that one day show up and you give them some food and they keep showing up and before you know it, you have a cat.

There is also a secondary romance between Tobias's brother in law Anthony and Lavinia's niece Emeline. Those two are very young and still trying to find their feet and purpose in the life.

Mystery is not overly strong but the main focus is on the characters and their relationships anyway.
I do love Lavinia's ruthlessly practical nature and business sense.

Also, once again, there is no demonizing other women. Even if their actions or motivations are crappy, they are treated with some respect, sympathy and understanding. I really like that attitude of AQ-s. No slut-shaming.