A review by irrevocablyareader
Heart Sworn by Cia Petrichor


THIS BOOK IS EVERYTHING! I was lucky to get an ARC of this book but I honestly preordered it as well because I was gonna get this book no matter what. And when the paperback comes out I’m buying it and when they hardcover comes out I’m buying that too, and every book that follows this one, it was that good. The story was fantastic, while yes it is a “beauty and the beast retelling” it is so much more than that! The story is it’s own and the characters are so much more relatable than any I’ve read! The FMC was unlike any I’ve read, I connected to her on such a personal level it was therapeutic. The emotions this book brought out of me were cathartic. I loved so many things about this book; the plot and plot twist, the characters and the inclusion, themes like “soul mates” “touch her you die” “in this lifetime and all lifetimes”, the mental health and trauma representation that felt accurate to my own, and the spice!! The spice is so hot! If you love a spicy adult beauty and the beast like story than you will be doing yourself a huge favor reading this book. I will be recommending this book to everyone forever!