A review by samhain
Skyward #2 by Joe Henderson, Antonio Fabela, Lee Garbett


But... If they have all those magnetic shoes and clothes (and apparently everything since their life's the same as before), why was there so many people killed during G-day? All those people's attitude makes it quite clear they've never lived in low-G, so they obviously managed to stay on the ground on that fateful day. And even if it were just a selected few who could afford the big bad's technology, surely Nathan would have known about this and should have made sure his family was equipped. It doesn't make sense that he just let his wife go outside and get killed tbh. And it doesn't make sense that people just roll with it, despite the technology to cancel that effect being right there to use.

Don't get me wrong, I really like this story and am looking forward to reading the next issues. But unless it's explained later on, that's a massive plothole.