A review by justinej
The Stars Are on Our Side by Jennifer Hartmann


3.5 stars


I was very excited for Tabitha’s story after reading Lotus. I did enjoy her story of finding her power again, however some parts felt dragged out and others felt a bit too quick. There was also a storyline with Gabe that felt unnecessary to the plot, and even not everything was answered.

Jennifer Hartmann’s writing is beautiful, she can really phrase these simple things but make them poetic but also make you think and see things differently.


“The thing is, hope can be a savior, or it can be an executioner. There’s no way to know which way the cards will fall. Only time will tell, and time is just as unpredictable as hope.

“A strong heart beats beneath these ribs. My lungs breathe clean air, granting me life. My body isn’t supermodel-worthy, but it has two legs that carry me places, two arms that allow me to hold precious things, and two eyes that let me look upon the world that was still waiting for me.”

“Life is so beautifully fragile.
It is; it really is-but love? No, love is not fragile at all. It’s long-lasting, bone-burrowing, and unshakable. Real love doesn’t snap or fizzle out because of circumstances and tough decisions. It doesn’t just dissolve because you want it to, because you beg it to. Those things only make it hurt. Those things only make it sink deeper, until you’re choking on that love. Suffocating. Bleeding out while still breathing. Love latches on to you, consumes, and then it haunts you. Forever.
Love isn’t fragile.
It’s fucking shatterproof.
Unfortunately, our hearts are not.”