A review by joannethefairy
Unbreak Me by Reese Rivers


So almost the whole book I thought this book would be 5 stars. A few little niggles throughout and especially at the ending made me lower it to 4/5.

Some Pros
- The scenarios weren’t too unrealistic and the decisions that the MC made felt (for the most part) genuine.

- The trauma wasn’t pushed aside and I could feel how scared the MC was at the start - her emotional state was conveyed very well. One of the things I liked most was throughout the whole book she was so focused on her daughter and how to keep her safe.

- When the men were introduced her reactions to them felt very organic and I appreciated that she didn’t just suddenly get better from her circumstances when her housing situation was resolved. Trauma sticks around and that was shown at every stage.

- I absolutely adored the daughter - she was such a cute character. She wasn’t annoying or a cliché ‘genius child’. Her character was just fleshed out enough to make her a whole character without her taking over the book. Her relationship with the men was so sweet, especially her ‘growly bear’.

Now on to the cons.

- The relationships were so rushed between the MC and the men. At the 75% (on my kindle) she had only had sexual contact with one of the men and it was obvious that she would be sexually involved with all 3 by the end of the book - but the book was running out! So instead of making the book a little longer, it felt like the author just shoehorned in ‘sex with guy B’and ‘sex with guy C’ around the already established plot points, regardless if it made sense for them to be having sex then. A big deal is even made of one man’s aggressive sexual style (which good for the author trying to make the men individualised in their sexual preferences) and how he wants to ‘take it slow’ until she is ready for him and won’t be triggered by anything he wants in the bedroom. That was fantastic! Top marks for restraint and showing that just because the MC had sex she is not all healed and actions can trigger someone regardless of feelings. Then the MC comes to the realisation that ‘she is stronger than all that’ and ‘can take control’ which yes, that is good but kind of undermined the previous message. Couldn’t she have been to therapy and worked on her past trauma before she went and had what seemed to me would be very triggering sex?

- At one stage the men are discussing sharing her and how that would look, but this happens off page and so we don’t get to know what is decided. She also had a foursome off page! Come on - why would the author do that!?!

- The sex scenes were also just not that great. Just sort of wham, bam, thank you ma’am. There wasn’t much dialogue before, during or after or any introspection at all really. That seemed so strange to me. This is the MCs first ‘sharing’ relationship but also and more importantly this is her first relationship since her abusive husband! So I wanted some thoughts surrounding that from the MC (and all the characters really) especially when she (and they) were in the bedroom. It was just touched upon how she was having her first experiences of some types of sex and that was it. I felt like more thoughts/dialouge/discussions on page between the characters would have deepened her relationship with the men and just made the characters a bit more rounded.

- The sex scenes felt a bit similar between two of the men and the other was not a very well written (dom/sub) scene.

- The ending was annoying for me as it came out of the blue with no on page conversations about it. They had only just got together! It was way too fast. She was freaking out about them buying presents for her only a couple of chapters before!! An epilogue a year (or two) later would have fixed some of the issues I think and could also have tied up some issues with the men that were left dangling. Like the family issues one of the men had. Also the self-worth issues of another man about the loss of his leg and his prosthesis. No night of sex, no matter how great is going to solve issues like those, and that seemed to be the implication - that after a night with the MC the men were all better! Not to mention that it seemed to be supposed to be seen to be the same way with the MC the difference being that she needed to have sex with all 3 men before she was ‘over’ her trauma and ready for the huge relationship development at the end of the book.

- A very specific niggle I was had was that Zack didn’t get his leg pain sorted as it was brought up a couple of times and so I thought that would be a great chance to show the MC taking care of one of her men and not just being cared for.

So all in all the start of this book was fantastic and the traumatic situation was well written but I think the quality dropped off when it came to the relationships between the MC and the men felt very rushed. It was like the word count of the book had been set and the author just had to cram all the things into the last 15% of the book when just making it a bit longer or even the judicious use of time jumps or an epilogue could have made the pacing work better.