A review by jerseygrrrl
The Book of Flora by Meg Elison


I loved the character of Flora in The Book of Etta and was happy to see that she would be the main character in the third book in the Nowhere series. All three books share a travel theme: characters search for something. The Unnamed Midwife of book #1 needed hope after the plague and a safe home. Eddy of book #2 needed to come to peace with himself and find a place to be himself. Flora in book #3 already knows herself. She's sort of looking for a place where non-traditionally gendered people can be free. But she doesn't evolve or change in dramatic ways, as did the Unnamed Midwife or Eddy, so I ultimately lost interest in her story.

On the plus side: The explorations of gender identity and sexuality were interesting, feminist, and challenging. They offered stories and characters not found in many bills and for that I'm grateful to Elison.