A review by whothehelliskaitlin
Uprooted by Naomi Novik

Did not finish book.
I could not finish this book because the Dragon was so insufferable. All he did was yell, complain, and insult Agnieszka, so much so that it discouraged me from wanting to go any further in fear I would hear more from him. Then I learned from other reviews that he and Agnieszka develop a romance and I officially could no longer read the book because that is too far fetched for me and in my opinion completely unnecessary. If the book needed to have a romance it should have been between Agnieszka and Kasia!

Besides that, the main action and plot took too long to get going. I was getting bored of continuously reading about how Agnieszka can't cook and is clumsy, the Dragon is old and mean, and Kasia is beautiful and brave. To go from the captivating world and characters of [b:Spinning Silver|36896898|Spinning Silver|Naomi Novik|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1513872748l/36896898._SX50_.jpg|58657620] to this was completely underwhelming.