A review by aquariusvintage
The Night and Its Moon, by Piper C.J.

Did not finish book.
This book and entire series was DNF due to the author's and editor's horrific actions. As other reviewers have stated, this author and editor bullied and harassed readers/reviewers on Goodreads because of their honest feedback on the book. The author and editor took the reviews very personally and were vindictive with the criticism that they received. Author described the incident as a "human moment," which is complete bullshit. Equating someone to a sch00l sh00ter and a ped0phile and saying they have no literary taste is appalling. The reviewer originally gave the book 3 stars and said they enjoyed it! Cj Piper's reaction to criticism and her values are the specific reasons why I will not be supporting this author's work in any way. 
EDIT: TW: Racial trauma, sexual trauma, white saviorism 
Upon further reflection, the premise of this series is also very problematic by centering a WOC's trauma and the white saviorism that is reflected throughout the writing. 

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