A review by gamz
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, by Edgar Allan Poe


My first foray into the world of Poe was as an 11 year old reading "The Tell Tale Heart". I scared me silly! The nameless man and his lantern sneaking into the old man's bedroom to stare at his eye...creepy!!

That story and made me a lifelong fan of Poe. The imagery and darkness of his tales and poems never fail to send creepy crawlies up my spine as it did at my very first reading. His tales are dark and disturbing, but also hauntingly beautiful in their expressiveness. Reading it as a child, I missed the nuances of the stories, the underlying messages of the fragility of humankind and the weakness we battle daily. I always have a copy of this book on my e-reader and will randomly read a story just because.

I am happy to say that I have shared my love of Poe's work with my children who, I hope, will one day pass it on to their own kids. If you haven't read any of the works of Edgar Allen Poe, I urge you to do so as soon as possible. You will not regret it!