A review by saschadarlington
Game On by Joanne Rock


Game On is the second novel in the Texas Playmakers series by Joanne Rock. Much like the first novel, The Perfect Catch (read my review here), Game On is a pleasant-enough novel with pleasant-enough characters although Keely Harper's controlling-martyr attitude got old really fast.

Despite being called a sports novel, again like the preceding novel, baseball is just a background thing. Nate Ramsey, the likable middle son, is on the injured list and back home where he rekindles his romance with high school sweetheart, Keely.

This novel doesn't really do anything new. There's an alcoholic parent. There's a parent who abandoned her children (we don't meet her). There's an egotistical parent (Nate's dad). There's a simpering step-mother (so we're told although she comes off okay in the scene she's in). And there's the really nice, salt-of-the earth mother. 

Nate and Keely didn't rock my world. I came away feeling as if I'd read a satisfactory novel (which is a step up from a lot of novels in my path recently) although completely average.

If you read the first book in the series, you probably want to read this one. And, don't get me or this review wrong. If you're looking for some romantic escapism, this series could probably do it for you.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.