A review by serenaac
The Neruda Case by Roberto Ampuero


The Neruda Case by Roberto Ampuero, translated by Carolina de Robertis (author of Perla), is set just before the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in Chile when Castro is in power in Cuba and Germany has been cut in half by the wall. Cuban exile Cayetano Brulé has left Miami with his wife, Maria Paz Angela Undurraga Cox, for her home in Chile, but he continues to feel out of place as no one trusts a Cuban and he cannot find work. Meanwhile, his wife is increasingly engaged in the reform movement in the country, while at the same time she is pulling away from her husband. Wandering in a strange country with bad coffee, Cayetano unwittingly bumps into Pablo Neruda at a party in a library and shortly receives an offer he cannot refuse.

Read full review: http://savvyverseandwit.com/2013/06/the-neruda-case-by-roberto-ampuero-translated-by-carolina-de-robertis.html