A review by lynguy1
Courting Darkness by L.R. Braden


COURTING DARKNESS by L.R. Braden is the second book in The Magicsmith supernatural suspense / urban fantasy series. The female protagonist, Alex Blackwood is a metalsmith creating works of art in Colorado after a fragile peace between the Fae and humans. She’s been summoned to the fae court and needs to learn a lot about proper etiquette and the fae world as a whole. When a dead body is found above an art gallery and a friend is implicated, her life gets even more complicated and her studies suffer for it. Along the way, she learns a lot about herself, her friends, secrets, enemies, relationships and the Fae.

Alex is a likeable main character who is loyal to her friends and is definitely someone you want to succeed. Her goals were clear and her motivations were believable. However, I wanted Alex to be a stronger protagonist. The main secondary characters are getting more developed, but new characters were introduced as well. They did enhance the story and they added to the story rather than detracting from it. Hopefully, Alex will become an even stronger protagonist and the secondary characters will show even more growth and depth as the series develops. The prose was well-written, engaging, and entertaining. The plot was engrossing, fascinating and action-filled. The world-building was good, but I wanted a bit more.

Overall, the book was suspenseful, entertaining and fast-paced. I am looking forward to reading more in this fantasy series. If you enjoy urban fantasies with a lot of action, then this book is one you may enjoy as much as I did.

Many thanks to Bell Bridge Books, Inc. and L.R. Braden for a complimentary digital ARC of this novel via NetGalley and the opportunity to provide an honest review. Opinions are mine alone and are not biased in any way.