A review by cass1699
The Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson


i was initially going to give this 3.5 stars, but after mulling it over, i think it deserves a nice solid 3.75 ⭐️

this book did a great job of building upon the magical and political landscape that sanderson has created. i’m seriously invested in the city of elendel and its future developments!

the action scenes were great, as usual. ESPECIALLY the ones at the end—i couldn’t take my eyes off the page. it was extremely satisfying to watch certain characters flourish and grow while others met their downfall.

one thing i absolutely LOVED about this book was the special detail given to steris’ character development. i think she might be one of my favourite characters in the whole series. and i loved watching her relationship with wax blossom slowly yet naturally; it was a long time coming, but now that we’re here, it really does feel like they’re in love.

i! just! wish! we! had! more! answers! i enjoyed the book, but so many things were left unresolved. logically i know it makes sense, because there’s still one more instalment left in the series, but i need SOME kind of loose-end-tie-up to tide me over. regardless, if sanderson’s goal was to make me hungry for answers, he succeeded. after all this suspense and intrigue, the final book better be explosive!!!!