A review by beckiebookworm1974
The Perfect Neighbours by Rachel Sargeant


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The Perfect Neighbours By Rachel Sargent was my first read of 2018 and I'm very pleased to say it was an enjoyable one.
When Helen moves abroad to Germany to be with new husband Gary she is thrust into a tightknit expat neighbourhood.
All her neighbours and her husband work at the local international school and from the start, it becomes apparent that things are not quite what they seem and as our story progresses we are taken down a rabbit hole of secrets and lies with events eventually imploding into shocking consequences for all involved.
what I liked most about The perfect Neighbours was I had no bloody clue what was occurring at all, I mean absolutely none at all, I was left scratching my head in confusion throughout until finally all the threads of the story were woven together into a semblance of truth.
Deciphering that truth here was half the fun and the perfect neighbours was intercepted with numerous red herrings to mislead throughout.
I would have scored this higher but I really found the main character, Helen, to be extremely irritating and quite prejudiced in her attitude to her neighbours and this spoiled my enjoyment somewhat.
She was guilty of the same reverse snobbery that she liked to accuse her arch nemesis Louisa of and she never really gave any of them a chance deciding from day one that she was better than them.
I mean yeh there were some real dodgy characters here. but Helen herself snubbed her nose up before she had accumulated this information for herself.
Pre-judged totally.
And then there's the husband, Gary the five minutes we actually saw of him wasn't impressive to me at all.
It was like Hi Gary, By Gary, that was the extent of his input to this story.
He was like this none entity, so little was his involvement throughout this.
But yeh The perfect Neighbours does make you think, who are we living side by side with, what are people hiding behind closed doors
I mean yeh myself, I don't really know many of my own neighbours, well just to say hi to in the street, it's the world we live in today sadly.
Books like this do tell me to batten down the hatches and stay anti-social for LIFE!!!!
Neighbours are scary.
But yeh, that is the main reason I scored this down really Helen.
But besides that, this is a good psychological thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end.
Thank You to NetGalley for proving me with an ARC of The Perfect Neighbours by Rachel Sargeant of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.
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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm