A review by toasted_coconut
American Royals by Katharine McGee


There were moments in the book where I was frustrated with a few of the relationships. Mainly that of Sam and her older sister Beatrice. You'd think in a royal family, loyalty would be a given? But thankfully the sisters mended their relationship somewhat. Book #2 isn't out so I don't want to speak too soon on that.

Also I didn't care much for Nina. She was exhausting and whiney. Part of me wanted Daphne to win, well before we find out she drugged her friend.

Positive notes. I loved Samanthas growth. I cried during the Kings heart-to-heart chats with his daughters. Jeff was likeable and Connor is a stud. I hope the next book dumps Ninas viewpoint and we get to Connors instead. I feel like a male viewpoint would round out the book more completely.

The ending is what bumped my rating from a 4 to a 5! The author nailed the suspense and keeps the reader in anticipation for the next book. Overall a fun juicy read with some tender heartfelt moments.